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July 27, 2009

Celebrity Flaw - Madonna Veiny Arms

What the hell happened to Madonna? Why does she look like her skeleton's on the outside?

Somebody give this woman a hamburger, for the love of God!


Harriet Handley said...

Oh my goodness Madonna looks awful! i love it! Thanks for posting such a grwat photo, it made my day. so much so that i've including it in my weekly blog. if you fancy reading it here's the link

Sabrina said...

Seriously WTF with this photo> not human.

MCH said...

No way...

Anonymous said...

That's what happens to old people.

wilkesy said...

Ewwwww is that real or has the photo bee manipulated. I always thought she looked good.

paul @ Sex Toys

Anonymous said...

I read Madona exercises up to 8 hours a day. This may be the results.


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