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November 11, 2008

Shirtless Celeb of the Day - Robert Pattinson

I've been searching high and low for shirtless pictures of Robert Pattinson, the star of Twilight, but all I could muster up was the cover of Entertainment Weekly. Weak, I know.

But Robert Pattinson is going to explode on the scene, okay, okay, he already has... I just didn't want to make myself look bad by missing the boat on Robert Pattinson.

Anyway, here is the one shirtless image I could get my hands on of Robert Pattinson, but stay tuned because I will definitely keep the search on high.

UPDATE: Ooh, I found another one, although he looks less built in this one than he does at present. Nevertheless, his shirt is off and I'll take it. Thanks Leah!


Anonymous said...

ewwww. gross.

Anonymous said...

he soo skinny!
errgg. and he has hairy armpits!

Anonymous said...

he is so not gross he is HOT skinner is so hot so you all have no taste

Anonymous said...

so hotttttt

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dude what guy in his right mind DOESNT have armpit hair??? hes so frikken hot!!

Anonymous said...

I love Robert Pattison, but he looks kinda homosexual in this picture. And guys are supposed to have armpit hair, it's ridiculous to find a guy unattractive because of armpit hair. Skinny isn't automatically disgusting, some people wear it well; for instance - Robert Pattison. Then again... this picture isn't all that appealing, but he is really really hot

Anonymous said...

no muscle at all.

high body fat %.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of Robert, but he does look maybe 12 in the bottom pic.

Anonymous said...

i dont mind that hes skinny, hes hot that way. b-but....his armpits...IM SERIOUS HE HAS TO SHAVE THOSE. he's to hot to have hairy armpits. OMFG DID U HEAR HE CUT HIS HAIR. he looks like brad pit in sunglasses. I HATE IT . i loved his messy hair, it was so sexy.

Anonymous said...

get real that's not really him... he's so much taller than that and his head doesn't look proportional to his body!

Anonymous said...

ok well he isnt the hottest person with his shirt off but i still think he effin rox! and he's fine as helll with his shirt on!!

Anonymous said...

you guys do realize that the bottom picture is probably really old... way before he had to work out and get more muscular for Twilight... I still think he's gorgeous

Anonymous said...

there is no way on earth Rob Pattinson could ever look ugly, gross, too skinny, or anything else anybody wants to come up with. He'll always be sexy... even when he gets old...duh.

Anonymous said...

The picture of him in the boxers is 100% photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

don't you guys realize those are old pictures like someone had commented anyway more for me because he is still ridiculously good looking . Yum is what i would totally tell him he is so hot and not gross!

Anonymous said...

with armpit hair, skinniness, paleness. who really cares?I know i don't he is a great actor and totally gorgeous in a ridiculous way and he is NOT gross at all because all of these components make ROBERT PATTINSON and you should get that Edward is not real But Robert is yummy!

Anonymous said...

I don't care how skinny he is he's HOT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The one with the red boxers is 100% photoshoped.
And the other one look SO old.
He's so hot anyway.
I found a video on youtube with a great picture of him shirtless.
Go see it :

Anonymous said...

ehmagod those pictures are sooooooo photoshopped i cant believe peoplethought they were real pictures

Anonymous said...

you people aren't that smart sometimes..

Anonymous said...

omg the second one with those red breifs is so sexy!!i want him to marry me...even though that pic is photoshopped

Anonymous said...

the last two are fake

Teri said...

Not gross at all! Um, most guys DO have hair in their armpits and many women do, as well. He was a young boy when that picture was taken. He hadn't yet developed a grown man's body. Like Bellatrix said, "" Yum! You complainers are missing out. That's okay. I'll take your share. :)

Anonymous said...

Rob in red underwear is 100 percent photoshopped. The very bottom picture of him, was taken back in 2003.

Zoey said...

Well one time robert pattinson said he had an amazing six pck and i said "Of what, beer!!!"

Anonymous said...

wooow i love Rob Pattinson, gahhh butterflies already just from typing his namee<3333

Anonymous said...

EWWWWW!!!!!!!! GROSS this so kills all my fantasies...T-T...i'm so switching back to Emmett...

Anonymous said...

I looove him! But he looked so much better whith messy hair, than what he looks now.. But anyways he is sooo freaking hot!

Anonymous said...

robert looks sooooooo hot in all of the pics. even if he is siknny or not he is still hot

Anonymous said...

OMG THT IS EASILY THE MOST DISGUSTING CRAP I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. dnt get me wrong i love rob i think he's hot...with his clothes on [: but he has so much...flab e.e and hes so hairy

Anonymous said...

He has hiary armpits (UGLY!!!) and no muscles
but he looks great...

samantha said...

oh for cryin out loud, give the guy a break.... did u know men have hairy armpits and did u know most men DONT shave??!
not too sure on the red y fronts but whatever i still think he's hot. x

Anonymous said...

Robert Pattinson is the SEXXIIEST man alive !!!

Anonymous said...

i love robert pattinson but seeing him and his armpit hair is like ewwwwwwwwwww. It like it sitkes out there is hairstray on the hair.

kimmie said...

this is a old picture when he was young and starting to model of course he was skinny and a little akward he was still growing but now he is a gorgeous man who seems to have a great personality to go with it for those who say ewwww no taste what so ever

Anonymous said...

these are old modeling pictures he did before playing Cedric Diggory on HP. I admit these are not the most flattering pictures but dont hate. Just think of him now, and it will all be okay.

Anonymous said...

okay you allare morons
1. he's hair cut brad pitt hot!
2. those werent boxers...
3. thoses werent photoshopped...
4.taylor lautner so much hotter!~!!!! hello!!! hes as a frekn 26 pack it is so countable and scrumptious!!yum!

Anonymous said...

some of you guys are insane. Robert pattinson is sexy as hell. those are old pictures right now he is so fucking sexy. And everyone has armpit hair boys and girls. And the skinny look works for him.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, people, I hope you do realise that hairy armpits are a natural thing. It seems to me that I'm the only woman in the whole world that finds a little hair masculine. Now we're not talking Grandpa's hairy back, and his hairy ears, that's not very fresh. But there is nothing than turns me off more than a man shaving anything accept for his face. I mean, could actually a guy who spend all his time shaving off his bloody bodyhair, have anytime left to cuddle with me. Na, don't think so. So go Rob and his hairy armpits!

And about the skinny body. He's slender, get over it. If he could gain weight he probably would have done that already. He's a lucky bastard, he could probably just eat anything, without having to worry to wake up the next day, and weigh a stone more. That lucky man.

Anonymous said...

the second one's a photoshop.

Anonymous said...

and he was about 12 in the lower pics

Anonymous said...

ok to all the retards talking shit about ROBERT PATTISON if u dnt hae anything nice to say then shut up and dont say anything. it is going to be very hard for you to find a grown man that does not have armpit hair, so good luck finding your self a man later on! in my opinion he is the hottest human being i have evr seen i love him and his armpit hair!! so if u dnt want him fine ill have him, n the ones that talked good about him you rock . and have good taste (:

Anonymous said...

heç de güzel değil!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CMOOOON ! The guy in the last picture isn't him OBVIOUSLY . and in the third one his head is huge compared to his body . So WAKE UP, he's not skinny and he's hot and sexy . ok? -.-

Anonymous said...

Ya the pantie 1 is 100% photoshopped but the rest isnt! GOD he is hot and who care if he has hairy armpits?? All men do xsept 4 the gay ones!!

Anonymous said...

the truth is, the pics of the younger guy. the last two pics are actually him. it was when he was younger and a model. i saw an article about it when he did an interview.

Anonymous said...

In the last two pictures he looks young, and gay. But mostly gay.

Anonymous said...

Underwear pic he doesn't have a freckle on his chest, the rest he does.

Alyssa said...

if u people don't like the way he looks then why r u looking at him? ur just making us people that like him pissed off!
he's gorgeous(face and body), he's an awesome actor and an extraordinarily great singer! rob is so close to perfect it is scary!!!
if u people don't have anything nice to say than don't say anything at all!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Robert Pattison & the whole Twilight series. However, the pics kinda make him look like a flaming homo & ruin my fantasies of what he would look like naked... And I'm not even sure I want to believe the one in the red underwear is him. Regardless, with clothes, he is super delicious & I will take him anytime.

Anonymous said...

you do know the shirtless ones are photoshoped. except for the last one. it was on the news. so its not his body.

Anonymous said...

ok, ok girls we all know u think rob is hot. but hes not hot HOT... like, sexy 8 pack, muscular, tan, be-yu-tiful taylor lautner. have you SEEN his SMILE?! Ugh! It's sooo damn hot!

Anonymous said...

Omg!!!!!!!! its Robert Pattinson we are talking about here he is the most sexiest absolutely gorgeous Man on the entire earth! I want to lick his abs! Robert Pattinson Is so damn gorgeous I'd give anything to take Kristens spot and have a night with Robert Pattinson!! He is so damn fine!! and his smile is the most sexy gorgeous thing about him.!!
whoever disagrees with us Jump off a cliff@!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

he is sooooooo flaby OMG:(

Anonymous said...

in my oppinion, he looks gross in all of these pictures.
i honestly think he is still overrated... there are so many other guys who are hotter and more muscular than him!

yes every girl wants to see the movie, but only because of the brilliant books Stephanie Meyor wrote! if the movie had come out without the books to be its total support, it would have died in theaters.

and thats the truth.

Anonymous said...

These pictures completly ruin any fantasy of him. Take them off.

he looks like a homo.

#1 Rob P. Fan said...

Oh My Gosh!
I love Robert Pattinson!
He is so fugging hott.
Im the #1 fan of Twilight
If I could Marry Him I so whould.
Id pay Millions of dollars to Marry him!

Anonymous said...

the pic of him w underwear is photoshopped. look how his head isn't proportional to his neck and is a totally diff tone too! ha so stick that in your juicebox and suck it! :)) ah ha! robert is effin sexxy! and don't forget it!! :))

Anonymous said...

OMG so freakin hot

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love Robert. He is amazingly gorgeous. Everytime I see him whether it is on Tv or just in pics he looks flawless. An anyone who doesn't think he looks good does not have 2 look at him or even comment. All u haters r just rediculous an Robert knows who his real fans r cuz they remain loyal 2 him always.

Anonymous said...

if he tanned and put some muscle on there like tay did then he'd b a fine hunk, but the person who said kellan lutz is hot..... HELL YA RIGHT ON! lol

Anonymous said...

Gah! he looked better in the movies! im sry but im traumatized now! sheesh!

Anonymous said...

Um, the one with him in the red boxers isn't photoshopped: It flat out isn't him. Look at his nose and chin. That's just a random look-alike.

Anonymous said...

he is so fit


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